
Hear Sky and you picture big screens. Satellite dishes. Minions and Neville vs Carragher. What probably doesn't come to mind, much to the broadcaster's frustration, is all the good it's doing up and down the country.

Despite significant investment in a diverse range of social initiatives, people still paint the media behemoth as one of the bad guys. An attitude it naturally wants to change. Building back the trust of the public and, even more importantly, raising awareness around the social issues it’s actively tackling.

To help we created a three-part press campaign — The Power of Belief — which focuses on the incredible things that happen with belief on your side. It reframes the Sky promise of ‘Believe in better’ to demonstrate how our actions, big or small, can inspire everyone to make a positive difference every single day.

Agency / EveryFriday  
Year / 2021
Designer / @alessandro.lagana

Sky Cricket Image 2

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